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Duck The Material Bird

Duck The Material Bird

Usual price €29,95
Usual price Sale price €29,95
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like a duck ... Coinchoin for the very first time!

This "Bird" duck "is a new member of the fabulous Celebiducks. Straight from America, the popular Celebiducks will evoke many familiar faces, it puts stars in your bathtub! All Celebiducks are sealed to make sure they float well. New characters are presented regularly, so pay attention to the new faces!

  • product size approx. 12cm h x 10cm L x 10cm p
  • without PVC, without phthalate or BPA
  • Float at the place
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      CelebriDucks est le créateur des tout premiers canards en caoutchouc de célébrités à collectionner des plus grandes icônes du cinéma, de la musique, des sports et de l'histoire. Nous avons produit CelebriDucks pour la NBA, la Major League Baseball, la LNH, NASCAR, les mascottes NCAA Collegiate, ainsi que pour KISS, Elvis Presley, les Blues Brothers, le magicien d'Oz, M. T, Shakespeare, Betty Boop et beaucoup d'autres.

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