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Set of duck sand molds

Set of duck sand molds

Usual price €36,95
Usual price Sale price €36,95
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Danish design, the sand shaper trio is an adorable companion for your toddler for a day at the beach or in the sandbox!

designed in the hope of protecting the plastics of our Oceans and our playgrounds, our sand molds are not only safe for your child, but they are also environmentally friendly. Unlike plastic and silicone beach toys that risk polluting the ocean, sand mussels are compostable and naturally biodegraded when they are no longer used.

the HEVEA® Multiple Pack Sand shaper trio includes:

  • 3 100 % recycled natural rubber sand mussels
  • 1 x Wood and metal shovel
  • 1 x "turtle" bag in eco-cotton

advantages of the Hevea® Sand Shaper trio:

  • Natural and secure for your child - Made from 100% recycled natural rubber, our sand modelers are based on plants and vegan certified, and our colored pigments approved by the FDA are also natural. Our cotton turtle bag is eco-cotton and the shovel in
  • Leaving more green imprints for our planet and our oceans - designed in order to keep the plastics of our beaches and our sand trays, we only used environmentally friendly materials in this multi- pack. Our sand makers are made from recycled natural rubber - Material remains from our natural rubber production process - limiting waste and making good use. In addition, they are compostable and biodegraded when they are no longer used!
  • Amusing design: the Sand Shaper ensemble consists of some of our favorite and adorable marine life figurines in the Hevea universe: our duck kawan and gorm the whale, plus a new friend: the star star of sea.
  • Durable and high quality - The shovel is superior and recycled rubber means that the rubber will not become sticky after use in the sun. In addition, our set is super light and easy to follow in your own bag!
  • Easy to keep and store - just transport it home in the turtle bag, shaking the bag before leaving the sand. Rinse with fresh water and keep in the turtle bag in a dry place sheltered from the sun
  • Norme CE
  • Norme UKCA
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